Entering Decade #6

I am thankful to wake up this morning.  At least a third of those I graduated high school with didn’t do the same.

I am thankful for my head full of white hair as it shows I am experienced and wise – and a Mom!

I am thankful to have entered my 6th decade as to me it seems like my parents were so old when they were 60 but I don’t feel a day over 37…well maybe 38!

I am thankful for my very diverse group of friends and cherish every last little quirky thing we do.

I am thankful to have seen other places, other countries, other lifestyles and not living in a sheltered bubble!

I am thankful to have my husband of 25 years still trying to spoil me.

I am thankful to see my kids reach a point in their lives where they are standing on their own two feet (well most of the time) as I know I fostered independence.

So as I splurged on double the whipped cream in my coffee this morning and feasted on chocolate flan for breakfast, I entered a new decade of life and vow 60 will be my new 40!

Now, pass the Geritol, please.

About The Dancing Goat

A Yuppie turned Farmer in the middle of suburban Tampa!! Green is the color, sustainable is the lifestyle. Reuse, recycle and re-purpose!!!
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2 Responses to Entering Decade #6

  1. Carmen says:

    It was so good to meet you in person on Saturday. and thank you for the cow and goat milk! Our pet will grow up well 🙂

  2. awakenliving says:

    It was so good to meet you in person at the Saturdays farmers market. I’ve enjoyed reading your blog and thank you for the goat and cow milk. Our pet will grow so happy and healthy!

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